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Student-created videos by CARES Clubs
Wilcat CARES
Raider CARES
We are a coalition that supports a sustainable alcohol- and drug-free culture for youth in Dubois County.
What We Do
Supported by the Drug Free Communities Support Program Grant we:
We educate the community on the effects of youth substance use. and the detriment of providing alcohol to minors.
We provide skills-building clubs in Dubois County high schools and information and training for parents to speak with their children about substance use.
We collaborate with, and provide support to, partner agencies to empower youth and build resiliency skills.
We work with local lawmakers to create and sustain a community that does not tolerate underage alcohol and drug use.
Quarterly Newsletter:
Dubois County CARES is a group of caring individuals focused on supporting youth and creating a family-centered culture in our community. We believe alcohol and drugs are a hidden issue in our community and want to empower our youth to be alcohol and drug free. We have recently been awarded a federal Drug Free Communities grant.
Dubois County CARES is an initiative of community members of Dubois County. This website was developed, in part, under grant number SP080149 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The views, opinions, and content of this publication are those of the authors and contributors, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or policies of ONDCP, SAMHSA, or HHS, and should not be construed as such.
© 2023, Dubois County CARES